Need help designing and delivering Mind Nudging journeys?

Unleash Your Leadership Potential for an AI World

Mind Nudging Design

Let's design & build your unique Mind Nudging journeys!

Our team of 'Mind Nudgers' can create personalised Mind Nudging journeys and AI Concept Pyramids to accelerate, scale, and sustain change. Our modular design method allows for adaptability and customisation. If you wish to schedule a consultation to explore how you can convert your conventional leadership programmes into blended experiential microlearning journeys, do get in touch!

How Can You Optimise Your Leadership Interventions with Mind Nudging?

Mind Nudging has many applications, with three key areas that are particularly valuable for supporting essential mindset and behaviour changes in today's workplaces.

Embed Values and Behaviours

If you're looking to embed your distinct values and behaviours to drive culture change, Mind Nudging offers the ideal solution. Our team will work closely with you to understand your framework and needs, creating a tailored Mind Nudging journey, as well as an AI Concept Pyramid. This will enable your entire organisation to seamlessly align with your cultural objectives, accelerating, scaling, and sustaining the transformation. Throughout the process, powerful AI analytics will allow you to continually measure progress.

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Transform Your Programmes

Are you interested in transforming your leadership and team development programme to produce more concrete results? We specialise in transforming traditional programmes into dynamic Mind Nudging journeys that deliver more effective and measurable results. We work together with you to preserve the core essence of your programme while integrating a blended microlearning approach that guarantees that your programme is fit-for-purpose, is captivating, and measurable through comprehensive analytics.

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Augment Your Programmes

If you already have a traditional leadership programme in place and just want to enhance it with blended Mind Nudging techniques to better embed and implement the learning, our design team can design and seamlessly integrate Mind Nudging into your programme to ensure it is fit-for-purpose in the AI world. Additionally, we can create an AI Concept Pyramid to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the new programme, providing you with robust analytics that showcase results and return on investment.

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Managed Services Process

We delve deep into your mindset, behaviour, and cultural values, and you can choose from our pre-designed journeys or create a customised one for your unique goals. From there, the team will craft a tailored Mind Nudging journey just for you based on your unique needs, and you can opt for our expert facilitators to host your journey or deliver the journey yourself. However you choose to work with us, you can be assured we will support you every step of the way.


Deliver your own Mind Nudging journey, or leave the planning and delivery to us as we guide your cohort through transformative blended experiences


Your host guarantees a personalised, secure, and unforgettable experience for all participants.


Your skilled facilitator will expertly lead participants on a transformative Mind Nudging journey.

AI Facilitation

You can opt for either augmented human-AI facilitation or AI facilitation only.

Mind Nudges

Your guided journey will include regular themed Mind Nudges that fosters deep introspection.

Pop-Up Sessions

These 30-60 minute sessions offer powerful and transformative opportunities for playful growth.

Shared Thinking Pods

Shared Thinking Pods allow your cohort to engage in social learning and experiences together.

Mind Nudging Journeys

6 week transformational journeys in only 30 minutes a week

Psychologically Safety for Leaders

 Learn 6 key strategies, skills and techniques to foster psychological safety in your team in 30 minutes a week for 6 weeks, on-the-go.

Real World Problem Solving

Tired of the overwhelm and clashes trying to solve complex problems?

Now solve them with ease.

Growth Mindset for Leaders

Learn 6 powerful techniques and tools to develop a highly adaptable team through developing a Growth mindset.

Innovative Thinking

Develop a creative and innovative thinking team by learning these 6 unique strategies and techniques in this journey.

Key Takeaways

Unleash Potential

Continuously cultivate a leadership mindset, behaviour and human-centric skills.

Smart Change

Accelerate the process of transformation and change - effectively align your people with AI/technology.

Elevate Performance

Master the skills and techniques necessary to effectively develop passionate, high performing teams. 

Solve Problems

Solve real world complex problems and measure the results of each solution in our Problem Solving Hub.

Curious about delving into the world of Mind Nudging?

Schedule a demo to explore Mind Nudger AI and academy, book a design consultation with our experts, or partner with our design team to create a custom Mind Nudging journey for you...

Mind Nudger Demo & Q&A

Let us take you on a walk-through and answer your questions...


  • Engage in a 45-minute interactive demonstration on the powerful techniques of Mind Nudging and explore the platform
  • Get your questions answered from our team of experts
  • Get a detailed quote or proposal tailored to your specific needs upon request
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Programme Evaluation Session*

90 minute consultation to evaluate your current programme or product...


This one-to-one consultation is ideal if you have a traditional leadership programme or initiative and want to understand how you can transform it to a blended experiential microlearning journey.

  • 90 minute one-to-one consultation
  • Advice and guidance on the most effective approach to meet your unique needs

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Mind Nudging Journey Design*

Start your adventure: We design your first Mind Nudging journey...


Perfect for L&D professionals seeking to enhance their traditional training programmes by converting them into a fully integrated blended Mind Nudging journeys. Outsource the design of your inaugural Mind Nudging journey and rapidly take your training to the next level.

  • 2 x 90 minute consultation sessions
  • 12-week Mind Nudging Journey designed around your unique framework
  • Includes 12 Themes (one each week)
  • 24 Distinct Mind Nudges
  • Handouts designed as appropriate
  • Design of 4 x 30 Minute Pop-Up Workshops
  • Design of 4 X Shared Thinking Pod activity facilitator guides
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Design & Deliver: Mind Nudging Journeys*

We will design and deliver  a Mind Nudging journey against your needs...

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If you're looking for a comprehensive and transformative Mind Nudging experience from beginning to end, our Consultation and Framework Design services are ideal for you. 

  • We design a customised, blended journey that leverages the power of AI through our unique AI Concept Pyramid. 
  • Consultation and framework design
  • Blended Mind Nudging journey design
  • Design of a unique AI Concept Pyramid

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